Weekly District Update graphic

The Uintah School Board held a regularly scheduled business meeting on Wednesday to discuss and approve proposed capital projects for the upcoming fiscal year. Video of the meeting can be found on the districtā€™s YouTube Channel.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Itā€™s Opening Night for the Uintah High Theatre production of Roald Dahlā€™s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This fantastical show runs Feb. 28-March 1, March 3-4, and March 6-8 in the Uintah High auditorium. Showtime is 7 p.m. for all performances. For tickets, click HERE.


Central Cove Logo Contest

The deadline for our Central Cove Early Learning Center logo design contest is only a few days away.


This contest is open to all Uintah School District students in grades 9 through 12 at Uintah High School, Ashley Valley Education Center, and Uintah Online. The creator of the winning design will receive a $500 prize.


The deadline to submit a design for the Central Cove Monarchs is Monday, March 3, at 5 p.m. The design chosen by the selection committee will be presented to the Uintah School Board at its meeting on March 12. The winning designer will be celebrated during the boardā€™s business meeting on April 9.


Contest information and guidelines are available at bit.ly/CentralCoveLogo. Questions about the contest should be sent to Uintah School District Arts Coordinator Jim Munford at james.munford@uintah.com.


National School Breakfast Week

National School Breakfast Week is next week, March 3-7. Students who eat school breakfast next week will be eligible to win basketballs, footballs, soccer balls, kick balls, jump ropes and Frisbees.


Children who eat breakfast are more likely to reach higher levels of achievement in reading and math; score higher on standardized tests; have better concentration and memory; be more alert and maintain a healthy weight.


Career Day Volunteers Wanted

The district is seeking volunteers from a diverse range of careers to participate in our upcoming Career Day events. Your experiences and insights can inspire the next generation and help them make informed decisions about their future.


Upcoming Career Day events include Davis Elementary - April 8 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.; Eagle View Elementary - April 24 from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.; Uintah High School - May 7 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; and Vernal Middle School - May 19 from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.


For more information or to volunteer, contact Laura Bowden at laura.bowden@uintah.net or 435-781-3110, ext. 2628.



On Friday, Feb. 21, Uintah High DECA was named Chapter of the Year at the conclusion of the annual DECA State Conference in Layton. It's the second time in five years the chapter has earned this honor.


The Utes took 42 events to the competition, had 26 events reach the finals, and placed in the Top 4 in eight events, according to DECA advisor Kami Elison. Nineteen UHS students placed in the Top 4 and as many as 27 Utes could be competing at the International Career Development Conference (ICDC) in Orlando in late April.


The event results were as follows:


School Based Enterprise: Arina Johnson and Caitlin Richins - Gold Certified


Community Awareness Project: Josh Hill, Brianna Olsen, and Lizzie Richards - 1st Place


Sports and Entertainment Operations Research Report: Ander Oldham, Jace Sutton, and Logan Evans - 2nd place


Buying and Merchandising Team: Isaac Abrams and Bridger Christensen - 2nd place


Sales Project: Kenadie Maughan and Eliza Averett - 3rd place


Financial Literacy Project: Jaevry Elison, Adelade Colovich, and Kiera Meanea - 4th place


Giving Project: Ella Henline, Alivia Nickell, and Sarah Coleman - 4th place


Start-up Business Plan: Preston Duncan - 4th place


Start-up Business Plan: Julianna Sagers and Katelyn Jolley - 5th place


Integrated Marketing Campaign (Event): Isaac Abrams, Bridger Christensen, and Hyrum Raymond - 5th place


Integrated Marketing Campaign (Product): Dave Johnson, Lauren Labrum - 5th place


Buying and Merchandising Marketing Operations Research: Lillian Strasburg - 6th place


Uintah High Orchestra and Band students competed at the Region 8 Instrumental Solo and Ensemble Festival on Thursday at Mountain View High. The Chamber Orchestra qualified for the State Solo and Ensemble Festival. Jamie Peterson, Owen Carbine, Luke Nielson and the Chamber Orchestra all received Superior ratings. The remainder of the groups from Uintah High received Excellent ratings.


Finally, congratulations to Discovery Elementary teacher Kristy Watkins and Maeser Elementary teacher Sami Piispanen! They were honored at Tuesdayā€™s State of the District event as the Uintah Schools Foundationā€™s 2025 Teachers in Excellence.