Uintah on the Rise graphic

Students in the Uintah School District are on the rise! Here are some highlights:


The percentage of USD grade-level teams in grades 3-8 that scored at or above the state average on the RISE assessment increased from 22% in 2022 to 37% in 2024.


The average proficiency gap between USD students in grades 3-8 and the state has steadily closed from 2019 (6.8%) to 2024 (3.2%).


In 2021, Uintah High's scores on the Aspire Plus tests taken by 9th and 10th graders trailed the state average by 9.7%. In 2024, UHS's Aspire Plus scores exceeded the state average by 5.1%.


In August, the Uintah School Board amended the district's strategic plan to include Service as one of the district's values. This fall, all USD schools are developing service-learning plans, which means all students will be provided with opportunities to learn the district's values by serving others.

ā€œThe growth we are seeing across the district is the result of several factors,ā€ Uintah School District Superintendent Dr. Rick Woodford said.

ā€œOur school board, through the strategic planning process, has established high expectations for student learning,ā€ Woodford said.

ā€œFrom the district office to the classroom, we understand these expectations," he added. "To meet them, weā€™ve been intentional in the implementation of systems and processes to help all students reach their full individual potential.ā€

Many of the positive strides the district has made can be attributed to hard work by principals, teachers, aides, specialists, instructional coaches, and students, Woodford said. Parents and community members who support public education are also key contributors to the academic gains made by USD students, he said.

ā€œThe culture of high expectations we are building in our district is critical to the success of all our kids, in school and in life,ā€ the superintendent said. ā€œI am pleased that our students are on the rise."